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At the Edge of it All Podcast: How to Build Bridges Following a Tense Election Cycle

Emotions are likely to be raw across the country this morning, following a months-long, polarizing march to Election Day. Now, how do we move forward together, regardless of the results? “At the Edge of It All” was joined by Sarah Federman, associate professor of conflict resolution at USD and author of the award-winning book Transformative Negotiation. She explained the impulse to become tribal, and how we can fight that urge to instead engage with each other and build bridges in the face of division.

Engineering Staff Members

Unsung Heroes

Standing at the forefront of emerging trends and technology, USD’s Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering continuously expands its academic program…

Dining in the Dark

Dining In the Dark

Eating is truly an experience for the senses. There’s the smell of butter, salts and spices that fill a room, before you even take a bite. …