Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes

Driving Impassioned Growth

Engineering Staff Members Featured from left: Ryan Smith, Angelo Colon, Hattie Morgan, Michelle Sztupkay, Rhonda Harley, David Kaplan, Elisa Lurkis, Mark Castellano, Paula Schmid and Jason Addy.

Standing at the forefront of emerging trends and technology, USD’s Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering continuously expands its academic programs and immersive experiences to prime students for the workforce. This comprehensive approach to engineering education demands strong and capable support from the school’s dedicated staff and administrators.

Under the leadership of founding Dean Chell Roberts, the engineering staff may be small in number, but they are fierce in their impact. They work closely with faculty, students, families, donors, alumni and industry leaders, handling demanding responsibilities with professionalism, efficiency and passion.

Roberts’ nontraditional approach to engineering education extends to his staffing decisions. “My preference has always been to hire people because you believe they can do it and they can create it.”

The team brings a diverse range of experience to the table. Steven Saxer, a 30-year mechanical engineer, became the mechanical shop manager in 2015, alongside seasoned marketing and communications professional, Michelle Sztupkay, who started the same year, following a 25-year career in industry. 

Mark Castellano’s 30 years of management and business development experience shapes his role as manager of engineering and technology community engagement while Academic Advising Specialist Angelo Colon has spent more than 20 years supporting students.

Others, such as Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations Elisa Lurkis, part-time Budget Manager David Kaplan and Rhonda Harley, PhD, assistant dean of student engagement and inclusive excellence, all transitioned from other roles within the university.

“I feel I’ve been on staff here since I got to USD. I was meeting with engineering students through the [Career Development Center] so I already felt engineering was my home, my family,” says Harley.

The heart of the staff includes three exceptionally stalwart executive assistants — Hattie Morgan, Ryan Smith and Executive Assistant to the Dean Paula Schmid, who was named the 2022–23 USD Manuel Hernandez Employee of the Year.

“The school of engineering is genuinely unique. There’s no other unit like it on campus, in my opinion,” says Schmid. “We work closely as a team to tend to all of the details that support our stakeholders, and we do it very well. It’s all about the people — we count on each other. That’s why I’ve been at USD for eight years.”

Through their collective expertise and dedication, the engineering staff plays a crucial role in developing the next generation of engineers.

“We often forget that we have more than just our professors. Many staff members with vast experiences play a pivotal role in shaping our career goals,” says Gedeon Baende ’24 (IntE). “I wouldn’t be where I am today without the guidance of some remarkable individuals who shaped me as a person, and I’m forever grateful for stepping outside my comfort zone to interact with them.”

Mechanical Lab Technician Jason Addy, who assists Saxer, and Electrical Lab Technician Jeff Holt, provide hands-on teaching and training support.

“I really enjoy when a student grasps that there’s more to engineering and they stop thinking like a student and start really thinking like an engineer,” Saxer says. “What they do in the shop can make them better engineers. The impact is important because it’s the future of us.”

Jeff Hoit, at left, and Steve Saxer, at right.
Featured from left: Jeff Hoit and Steve Saxer

The school year’s busy event schedule means staff regularly go above and beyond and it’s done with aplomb. 

“Our team works exceedingly well together. When there’s a big event, everyone pitches in to do what it takes,” Lurkis says. “We’re a small staff, but we all really like each other, which makes a big difference. We actually have a lot of fun together!”

The school has experienced explosive growth in recent years, nearly doubling the number of degrees, centers, programs and stakeholders served by this remarkable team.

“With more students and faculty to support, labs to maintain, events to host, stories to tell and partners to engage, engineering staff and administrators have pushed their productivity to heroic levels,” says Sztupkay. “Sheer tenacity, camaraderie and cross-functional excellence has earned them the respect of students, faculty and the USD campus community — a true testament to the team’s collaborative spirit.”

Expressing his gratitude for his exceptional team, Roberts beams, “I’m so lucky, blessed and grateful to have such a great group of people.”

— Ryan T. Blystone