Watch: USD News Minute for May 28

Watch: USD News Minute for May 28

USD News Minute: What you need to know this week at USD

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This is your USD News Minute. 

Over the weekend, the final commencement ceremonies were held for graduate programs, as well as all of our undergraduate students – many who didn’t have high school graduations due to COVID-19. Families and friends gathered in the Jenny Craig Pavilion and in our overflow space at Torero Stadium to celebrate this incredible milestone. Felicidades graduados, congratulations graduates!

Congratulations are also in order for professors Leeva Chung, Alan Gin, Tammy Lin and Truc Ngo for being recognized by the San Diego Business Journal as Asian and Pacific Islander Leaders of Influence. Thank you for your outstanding leadership and service to USD and to the entire community.

And speaking of community, in celebration of its 75th Anniversary, USD is proud to partner with the Monarch School on a special service project to support their students and families. USD is collecting new, full-sized shampoos, conditioners, body wash or lotions at the T.E.C. Fest on Friday, June 7th. Employees can donate hygiene items to families at the Monarch School to receive a gift. Those who donate five or more items will be entered into a raffle for prizes.

As always, thank you for watching and enjoy your summer!


Cameran Zech
(619) 260-7448