Watch: USD News Minute for May 13

Watch: USD News Minute for May 13

USD News Minute: What you need to know this week at USD

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This is your USD News Minute.

Congratulations graduates! Commencement ceremonies begin this weekend – the first of two weekends of celebrations at USD’s Jenny Craig Pavilion. School of Law students and students from graduate programs at SOLES and Professional and Continuing Education will be walking across the commencement stage first. Ahead of the ceremonies, the USD News Center will be highlighting graduates from each school, so be sure to check out those amazing stories.

USD graduating senior Haley Jacob spent last Thursday as “President for a Day.” She swapped places with USD President James T. Harris III, who in turn had the opportunity to walk a day in her shoes. This year, Jacob had a busy schedule attending various meetings and events while President Harris visited one of her classes and stopped by USDtv where she’s an executive producer. Visit the USD News Center for more.

Congratulations to Engineering Professor Venkat Shastri who was named an honoree in the prestigious TIME 100 Health list for 2024. This recognition celebrates Dr. Shastri's groundbreaking work as the co-founder and CEO of ALZpath Inc., a leading developer of diagnostic tools and solutions for Alzheimer's and related dementias.

As always, thanks for watching and we’ll see you next week.


Cameran Zech
(619) 260-7448