Kroc IPJ Distinguished Lecture Series: Kim Stanley Robinson Talks Climate Change
On Wednesday night, science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson spoke about solutions to climate change and The Ministry for the Future.

On Wednesday night, science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson spoke at the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice about the potential solutions to climate change, the power of storytelling for changemaking, and his novel The Ministry for the Future. The event was the latest installment of the Kroc IPJ's Distinguished Lecture Series.
Author Kim Stanley Robinson
Following the lecture, Kroc School students Franco Castro Escobar and Théa Klement moderated a Q&A session with the author. Escobar and Klement are both co-hosts of the Kroc School podcast, Is the World on Fire? When asked the podcast’s signature question, Robinson responded, “We are in a situation of high danger, the world is not yet burning… but we’re kind of heating up. There’s still some time for us to act before these major catastrophes.”
Kroc School students Franco Castro Escobar and Théa Klement & author Kim Stanley Robinson
During the post-reception, guests enjoyed a book signing with Robinson, taking time to chat with the author and ask how they can make a difference in the climate crisis. SanDiego350 and USD Sustainability Club tabled to share their impactful work and inform guests how to get involved in the climate movement.
Kevin Dobyns
(619) 260-7618