Intro to Creative Writing Class Observes Solar Eclipse

Intro to Creative Writing Class Observes Solar Eclipse

Students viewing solar eclipse through sun telescope and sitting at courtyard tables writing

Adjunct Assistant Professor Deniz Perin-Coombs, PhD, took her creative writing students to the Shiley Center for Science and Technology on Monday, April 8, 2024, to watch the solar eclipse with a telescope and special glasses. The solar viewing set-up was provided by the University of San Diego's Department of Physics and was deeply appreciated by the group. The class, English 301, Intro to Creative Writing, then headed down to the building's beautiful courtyard and wrote about the eclipse. It was an inspiring experience for all!

To view more photos, please go to our USD English Facebook Page.  All photo credits are Deniz Perin-Coombs.



Deniz Perin-Coombs