University of San Diego Showcases the Classroom of the Future

University of San Diego Showcases the Classroom of the Future

What will college classrooms look like in the future? Find out at the University of San Diego's 12th Annual Technology Showcase on Friday, February 10. The event takes place from noon to 4 p.m. in the University Center Forums in the University Center.
"We want to be Changemakers for the digital age," said Shahra Meshkaty, Senior Director of Academic Technology Services. "At the showcase, professors can explore exciting ways to enhance teaching and learning by integrating digital media, mobile technology and even virtual reality experiences into their classrooms."
Demonstrations include complex research simulations run by high powered computers, the iPad project using mobile technology to boost student achievement by improving artistic and technical abilities, and Catchbox!, the world's first throwable microphone to increase classroom and audience engagement.
There also will be a special presentation "USD: Are You Ready for Us?" where an award-winning team from the K-12 Francis Parker School will demonstrate robotics in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education.
Vendors at the 2017 showcase include Apple, Blackboard, Code42, Dell and other leading technology providers. Click here to see video highlights of the 2016 showcase.

About the University of San Diego

Strengthened by the Catholic intellectual tradition, we confront humanity’s challenges by fostering peace, working for justice and leading with love. With more than 8,000 students from 75 countries and 44 states, USD is the youngest independent institution on the U.S. News & World Report list of top 100 universities in the United States. USD’s eight academic divisions include the College of Arts and Sciences, the Knauss School of Business, the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Leadership and Education Sciences, the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, and the Division of Professional and Continuing Education. In 2021, USD was named a “Laudato Si’ University” by the Vatican with a seven-year commitment to address humanity’s urgent challenges by working together to take care of our common home.