Leadership, Power and Politics

Leadership, Power and Politics

Date and Time

Thursday, April 7, 2016

This event occurred in the past

Thursday, April 7, 2016 — Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.


Coronado, 132

5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110




Although many regard the topics of influence, power and politics as somewhat ominous, understanding and utilizing this area of interpersonal dynamics is crucial to approaching one’s career strategically. Influence involves persuading others to our way of thinking. Power is amoral, and while it is used both ethically and unethically, no one can deny that it is central to getting things done. Politics…well, this gets interesting. The reality is that politics enters the room with the second person. Even so, how many times does one hear in the workplace the utterance, “I don’t believe in politics,” or “I don’t play politics?” Such comments often suggest one of three things: 1) The speaker is naïve; 2) The speaker is not very good at politics; or 3) The statement itself is a political ploy in the sense that the speaker is suggesting that he or she is somehow above politics. As for those who are sincere about distancing themselves from politics, then consider the words of Plato: “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”

This seminar occurs on three separate evenings, 6-9 p.m., on April 7, 12 and 14

Regardless of one's preference, leadership, power and politics are central to:

1) Developing relationships

2) Establishing hierarchy

3) Conferring benefits, and

4) Imposing burdens

Accordingly, to the extent one is interested in participating in such activities in a productive way, the effective and ethical use of influence, power and politics is essential.

Learning Objectives:

- Recognize situations that involve the use of power.
- Identify the principle actors within a given political dynamic and better discern their points of view.
- Recognize specific strategies and tactics through which power and influence are used.
- Discern the positive and negative consequences associated with the use of power and politics in organizations.
- Outline a personal learning agenda for how to harness power and influence in order to develop and achieve your goals.