Michael Massaro: USD's New Engineering and Computer Science Embedded Librarian

Michael Massaro joined the University of San Diego (USD) on January 2, 2025 as the Copley Library’s new engineering and computer science embedded librarian. This innovative position aims to provide direct library and research support to faculty members and students in the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering.
Massaro’s new role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from facilitating workshops and providing engineer-focused library instruction to assisting faculty in collection development for their course options and assisting faculty to get their research published.
“I'm excited about this tenure track position so I can start focusing on my research interests such as database design, computer vision, machine learning, and emerging technologies,” says Massaro. “I’m also interested to see what faculty research is going on and look forward to working with them and their students.”
Prior to joining USD, Massaro worked as the reference and instruction librarian at Prairie View A&M University, where he liaised with the mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering and chemistry departments.
He was the lead computer science lab aide at Saddleback College and worked on engineering grants and research projects at Grainger Engineering Library while getting his MLIS at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He most recently worked as the e–resources librarian and assistant professor at Touro University California.
"Michael Massaro was chosen as the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering's personal librarian because of his background and enthusiasm for engineering and computer science,” says Dean of the University Library, Theresa Byrd, PhD. “His job is to become acquainted with the school's students and faculty and assist them with their research needs."
Massaro's goals include integrating into the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering's culture. “I want to learn the engineering curriculum to best serve the department’s needs.” His office is located on the third floor of the Belanich Engineering Center (BEC 331), where he is embedded into the engineering environment and is readily available to assist faculty and students with their research requirements. He can be reached at mmassaro@sandiego.edu.
"The embedded librarian represents a modern, dynamic approach to academic support, transforming traditional library services into a proactive, integrated academic resource that directly contributes to the school's research and educational mission,” says Dean Chell Roberts. “We are delighted to welcome Michael to the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering."
— By Michelle Sztupkay