Video: The Shiley Stem Initiative
Darlene Shiley, USD President Jim Harris share their thoughts on the future of STEM education at USD
Darlene Marcos Shiley pledged the largest-ever gift to the University of San Diego, and among the largest gifts to any Catholic university in the nation. The transformational gift of $75 million is an investment in USD’s people, programs and facilities.
As part of the gift, USD will establish the Shiley STEM Initiative, a comprehensive program that will enhance the university’s existing STEM programs and place it among the top programs nationally for STEM research and education. The gift will also support signature USD programs that have been past beneficiaries of Donald and Darlene Shiley’s generosity.
“Both Donald and myself came from poor backgrounds. But we learned at a very early age that education was the way to move forward. You’re not going to go anyplace if you don’t get educated and prepare yourself for what the world has out there.”
— Darlene Marcos Shiley
"Darlene Shiley is one of the most generous and kind individuals that anyone could ever meet. She’s always looking out for humanity and the best interests of our society, and she particularly loves our students. We are a better institution because of Donald and Darlene Shiley and what they’ve decided to do for this institution and what they’ve done for this world. In our vision statement we talk about leading with love, and Donald and Darlene Shiley have always led with love."
―James T. Harris, III USD President
— USD News Center