16th Annual Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate & Energy Law

16th Annual Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate & Energy Law

Date and Time

Friday, November 1, 2024

This event occurred in the past

  • Friday, November 1, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Warren Auditorium

5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110




On Friday, November 1, 2024, the University of San Diego School of Law will host its 16th Annual Lesley K. McAllister Climate & Energy Law Symposium.


The 2024 Sixteenth Annual Lesley K. McAllister Symposium will focus on how to make energy affordable and accessible as we decarbonize the electric supply and electrify transportation and buildings. Policymakers, practitioners, academics, and other experts will discuss the drivers of high electricity costs, customer impacts, and potential solutions.
The Symposium is co-hosted by the Energy Policy Initiatives Center (EPIC) and the San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law.

The University of San Diego School of Law is a State Bar of California-approved MCLE provider and certifies that this activity is approved for a total 7.0 hours of general credit.

For more information on previous Symposia, see our website.

About The Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate and Energy Law

Each year the University of San Diego School of Law hosts the Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate and Energy Law. Legal and policy experts from across the country attend the event, including practicing attorneys, policymakers, and academic experts.

The symposium is co-hosted by the Energy Policy Initiatives Center and the San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law.

Our USD Law School community was saddened to learn that our former colleague Professor Lesley McAllister passed away at the end of August 2017. She was part of the USD School of Law faculty from 2005 until 2013, when she moved to UC Davis. During her tenure at USD, among many other things, Professor McAllister helped to create the Annual Climate and Energy Law Symposium and the San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law. She also pioneered the Climate and Energy Law Course at USD School of Law and co-authored a book on the subject.

To honor her contributions to the USD School of Law generally and to the Symposium and Journal specifically, we have formally changed the name to the Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate and Energy Law.

Two Ways to Attend:

  • In-Person Ticket and Registration


    In-Person Registration fees include materials, breakfast, luncheon, refreshment breaks, and symposium reception. Please confirm your schedule before registering. Refunds will not be processed past October 25. 

    Register for In-Person Now!

  • Virtual Ticket and Registration


    Virtual Registration fees include the Zoom Webinar link and access to supporting materials. Please confirm your schedule before registering. Refunds will not be processed past October 25. 

    Register to Attend Virtually Now!

  • 2024 Symposium Agenda (updated 10-04-24)



    8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration
    8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.


    • Joseph Ciacci, Editor-in-Chief, San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law
    • Scott Anders, Director, Energy Policy Initiatives Center, University of San Diego School of Law (Moderator)
    9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.


    • Matt Baker, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission
    • Scott Anders, Director, Energy Policy Initiatives Center, University of San Diego School of Law (Moderator)
    10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Break
    10:15 a.m. - Noon

    PANEL 1: Drivers of Cost

    • Troy Rule, Professor of Law, Joseph Feller Memorial Chair in Law & Sustainability, Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law 
    • Leanne Bober, Director of Regulatory Affairs/Deputy General Counsel, CalCCA 
    • Adam Pierce, Adam Pierce, Vice President of Energy Procurement and Rates, SDG&E
    • Gigi Moreno, PhD, Chief Economist, Division of Petroleum Market Oversight, California Energy Commission
    • Jason Anderson, CEO, Cleantech San Diego (Moderator)
    Noon - 1:15 p.m. Lunch
    1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    PANEL 2: Customer Impacts

    • Nora Sheriff, Shareholder, Buchalter (representing California Large Energy Consumers Association)
    • Jamie Court, President, Consumer Watchdog
    • Michael Campbell, Assistant Deputy Director of Energy, Public Advocates Office
    • Alexis Sutterman, Senior Policy Manager, Brightline Defense
    • Moderator: Karin Burns, CEO, San Diego Community Power
    3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break
    3:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

    PANEL 3: Possible Solutions

    • Severin Borenstein, Professor of the Graduate School, E.T. Grether Chair in Business Administration and Public Policy, Faculty Director, Energy Institute at Haas, UC Berkeley 
    • Leuwam Tesfai, Deputy Executive Director for Energy and Climate Policy, CPUC 
    • Marc Costa, Director of Policy, The Energy Coalition
    • Mark Toney, Executive Director, The Utility Reform Network (TURN)
    • Nilmini SIlva-Send, Professor of Practice, University of San Diego School of Law (Moderator)
    5:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
    5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Reception
  • MCLE Credit Information

    The University of San Diego School of Law is a State Bar of California-approved MCLE provider and certifies that this activity is approved for a total 7.0 hours of general credit.

  • Thank you to our sponsors.

    Platinum Sponsor

    SDGE logo

    Gold Sponsor

    Shell Energy Logo      Stoels Rives LLP logo    

    Silver Sponsors

    DWGP logo       Ameresco Logo

    Event Partner



  • Location, Parking & Directions

    School of Leadership and Education Sciences (Mother Rosalie Hill Hall)
    Warren Auditorium, Room 116
    University of San Diego
    5998 Alcalá Park
    San Diego, CA 92110

    From all directions, once you enter the west entrance:

    • Proceed up the hill and follow the signs to the West Parking structure. Attendants will direct you to a parking space.
    • Tram service will be available from 8 – 9 a.m. from the West Parking structure to Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, which will be the first building on your left side (across from Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice).
    • The symposium will be held in Warren Auditorium, which will be down the hall on your right side in room 116.
    • View Mother Rosalie Hill Hall on .

    Parking Information

    Attendees should park in the West Parking Structure.

    The symposium will cover parking. More information will be provided before the event, including a code to pay for parking, a map showing the West Parking Structure, and information about tram service to the meeting venue. Directions and Campus Maps.

    Please see the Symposium website for more information.


    For attendees wishing to use mass transit, please be advised that schedules and services are limited; consulting schedules in advance is highly recommended. The most convenient hub is the Old Town Transit Center, which is served by bus, the San Diego Trolley, and the Coaster commuter train. The Old Town station is served by USD shuttle buses.

    Click here for .

    Click here for  information.

  • Contact Information

    Please send all inquiries related to this event to Climate and Energy Law Symposium Coordinator

  • Coming from Out of Town?

    For information about where to stay, call Hotel Reservations Network at (800) 964-6835 or San Diego International Visitor Information Center at (619) 236-1212. Accommodations closest to the USD campus can be found in the Mission Valley, Old Town, and Hotel Circle areas of San Diego.

    For more information about planning a visit to San Diego, the following link may be helpful:  owned by USD alumnus Richard Bartell, offers special rates to anyone visiting the USD campus.

  • COVID-19 Restrictions

    **This event will comply with all state, county, and USD COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

  • Previous Symposia

    For information on the past Symposia, please visit our website.

energy affordability  depiction with coins and energy symbols

This event is open to the public

Post Contact

Climate and Energy Law Symposium Coordinator