March 20: Solemnity of Saint Joseph

March 20: Solemnity of Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph SolemnityToday, March 20, is the recognition of the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus.

Today, Monday, March 20 is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. The spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus, Saint Joseph is the patron saint of fathers, families, workers and the Catholic Church. This celebration is normally recognized on March 19, but due to the 2007 calendar falling on a Sunday, the Solemnity of St. Joseph is recognized today.

Saint Joseph, as described on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website page of honored saints during the Lenten season, is “the model of humility, one of the world's greatest saints, and is often mentioned as being silent. This silence speaks volumes. In it, the Church realizes his faithfulness, his love and his acceptance of the Holy Will of God. St. Joseph was not a man of many words: he was a man of action.”

“We have only one direct statement about his personality: in Matthew's Gospel, he is described as "a righteous man" (Matthew 1:19). His actions alone reveal everything else we know about him. He brings Mary and the Child she bears into his home when, in the sight of the world, he would be justified in divorcing her. He leads the expectant Mary into Bethlehem, and flees with her and her Child into Egypt. When it is safe, he returns with the two into Galilee. He does all of this, because God asks it of him. He never hesitates.”

“Each time we read that the angel spoke to Joseph, the following sentence begins with the action St. Joseph took. "Joseph awoke," "Joseph rose," "He went." Each time he received a summons, his reaction was to follow the call immediately. Never once did he hesitate.” 

Saint Joseph fulfilled his mission in God's plan of salvation, "to legally insert Jesus Christ into the line of David from whom, according to the prophets, the Messiah would be born, and to act as his father and guardian,” according to the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy

Here are today’s recommended daily readings and in recognition of March 20, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, according to the USCCB.